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Sure Geese Are Brave Then Again You Could Hunt Them With a Hammer

A Celebration of Women Writers

"Chapter II." by Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940), translated by Velma Swanston Howard.
From: The Wonderful Adventures of Nils. by Selma Lagerlöf. New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1922, pp. 22-44.

Editor: Mary Mark Ockerbloom




THE big tame goosey-gander, that had followed them up in the air, felt very proud of being immune to travel back and forth over the south land with the wild geese, and scissure jokes with the tame birds. But happy as he was he began to abound tired as the afternoon wore on. He tried to take deeper breaths and quicker fly-strokes, but fifty-fifty and then he remained several goose-lengths behind the others.

When the wild geese who flew final noticed that the tame ane couldn't keep up with them, they began to call to the goose who flew in the centre of the wedge and led the procession: "Akka from Kebnekaise! Akka from Kebnekaise!" "What do you want of me?" asked the leader. "The white one will be left behind; the white one will be left behind." "Tell him information technology's easier to wing fast than slow!" shouted the leader, and raced on every bit before.

The goosey-gander certainly tried to follow the advice, and increased his speed; but soon he became so wearied that he sank away downwards to the drooping willows that bordered the fields and meadows.

"Akka, Akka, Akka from Kebnekaise!" cried those who flew last and saw what a hard time he was having. "What do you want now?" asked the leader – and she sounded awfully angry. "The white 1 sinks to the earth; the white i sinks to the earth." "Tell him it's easier to fly high than low!" shouted the leader, and she didn't ho-hum upwardly the least fiddling flake, but raced on as before.

The goosey-gander tried likewise to follow this advice; but when he wanted to rise, he became so winded that he almost burst his breast.

"Akka, Akka!" again cried those who flew last. "Can't you let me fly in peace?" snapped the leader, and she sounded even madder than before.

"The white one is gear up to collapse." "Tell him that he who has not the force to wing with the flock, can go back home!" cried the leader. She certainly had no notion of decreasing her speed – but raced on as before.

"Oh! is that the style the current of air blows!" idea the goosey-gander. He understood at once that the wild geese had no idea of taking him along up to Lapland. They had only lured him away from dwelling in sport.

He felt thoroughly exasperated. To think that his strength should neglect him at present, so he wouldn't be able to show these tramps that fifty-fifty a tame goose was adept for something! But the most provoking of all was that he had fallen in with Akka from Kebnekaise. Tame goose that he was, he had heard about a leader goose, named Akka, who was more than a hundred years old. She had such a big proper noun that the all-time wild geese in the world followed her. But none had such a contempt for tame geese as Akka and her flock, and he would gladly have shown them that he was their equal.

He flew slowly behind the balance, while deliberating whether he should plough back or go on. Finally, the little beast that he carried on his back said: "Beloved Morten Goosey-gander, y'all know well plenty that information technology is simply impossible for you, who have never flown, to go with the wild geese all the way up to Lapland. Won't y'all turn dorsum before you kill yourself?"

But the farmer's lad was well-nigh the worst thing the goosey-gander knew of, and as before long equally it dawned on him that this puny creature actually believed that he couldn't make the trip, he decided to stick it out. "If you say another word about this, I'll drop you into the get-go ditch we ride over!" said he, and at the same time his fury gave him so much strength that he began to wing almost likewise equally whatever of the others.

It isn't likely that he could accept kept upward this speed very long, nor was it necessary; for, just so, the sun sank chop-chop; and at sunset the geese flew down, and before the boy or the goosey-gander knew what had happened, they stood on the shores of Vomb Lake.

"They probably intend that we shall spend the night hither," thought the boy equally he jumped down from the goose'south back.

He stood at present on a narrow beach by a fair-sized lake. Information technology was ugly to wait upon, because information technology was about entirely covered with an ice-crust that was blackened and uneven and full of cracks and holes – equally jump water ice by and large is.

The water ice was already breaking up. Information technology was loose and floating with a broad belt of dark, shiny h2o all effectually it; merely at that place was still enough of it left to spread arctic and winter terror over the identify.

On the other side of the lake there appeared to be an open and light state, but where the geese had alighted at that place was a thick pine-growth. It looked equally if the forest of firs and pines had the power to bind the winter to itself. Everywhere else the ground was bare; only beneath the sharp pino-branches lay snow that had been melting and freezing, melting and freezing, till it was as difficult every bit ice.

The boy thought he had struck an chill wilderness, and he was and then miserable that he wanted to scream. He was hungry too. He hadn't eaten a bite the whole day. But where should he notice any food? Aught eatable grew on either ground or tree in the month of March.

Yes, where was he to find food, and who would give him shelter, and who would fix his bed, and who would protect him from the wild beasts?

For at present the dominicus was away and frost came from the lake, and darkness sank down from sky, and terror stole forward on the twilight'due south trail, and in the forest it began to patter and rustle.

Now the expert sense of humor which the boy had felt when he was up in the air was gone, and in his misery he looked effectually for his travelling companions. He had no one simply them to cling to now.

And then he saw that the goosey-gander was having even a worse time of it. He was lying prostrate on the spot where he had alighted; and it looked as if he were set to die. His cervix lay apartment against the basis, his eyes were airtight, and his breathing sounded like a feeble hissing.

"Dear Morten Goosey-Gander," said the boy, "try to get a swallow of water! Information technology isn't two steps to the lake."

Merely the goosey-gander didn't stir.

The male child had certainly been cruel to all animals, and to the goosey-gander in times gone by; simply at present he felt that the goosey-gander was the only comfort he had left, and he was dreadfully afraid of losing him.

At once the boy began to push and drag him, to get him into the h2o, but the goosey-gander was large and heavy, and it was mighty hard work for the boy; only at last he succeeded.

The goosey-gander got in – head get-go. For an instant he lay motionless in the slime, but soon he poked up his caput, shook the water from his eyes, and sniffed. Then he swam proudly between reeds and seaweed.

The wild geese were in the lake earlier him. They had not looked effectually, for either the goosey-gander or his passenger, but had made straight for the h2o. They had bathed and primped, and now they lay and gulped one-half-rotten pond-weed and water-clover.

The white goosey-gander had the good fortune to spy a perch. He grabbed it apace, swam ashore with information technology, and laid information technology downwardly in forepart of the boy. "Here's a thank you for helping me into the water," said he.

Those were the first friendly words the boy had heard that day. He was and so happy that he wanted to throw his artillery around the goosey-gander'due south cervix, but he didn't; and he was also thankful for the gift. At first he thought it would be incommunicable for him to eat raw fish, and so he had a notion to effort it.

He felt to see if he still had his sheath-pocketknife with him; and, certain plenty, at that place it hung – on the back button of his trousers, although it was then macerated that information technology was inappreciably as long as a match. Well, at whatever rate, it served to scale and cleanse fish with; and it wasn't long earlier the perch was eaten.

When the male child had satisfied his hunger, he felt a little aback because he had been able to swallow a raw animal. "It's evident that I'chiliad no longer a man simply a existent elf," thought he.


While the male child was eating, the goosey-gander stood silently beside him. Merely when he had swallowed the last morsel he said in a low voice: "Information technology'due south a fact that we have run across a stuck-up goose folk who despise all tame birds."

"Aye, I've observed that," said the boy.

"What a triumph it would exist for me if I could follow them clear up to Lapland, and show them that even a tame goose tin can do things!"

"Y-e-e-s," said the boy, drawling information technology out, for he didn't believe the goosey-gander could ever practise it; however he did not wish to contradict him. "Just I don't call up I can go along all by myself on such a journey," said the goosey-gander. "I'd like to ask if you couldn't come up forth to assist me?" The boy, of course, hadn't expected annihilation just to return to his home equally soon as possible, and he was so surprised that he inappreciably knew what he should reply. "I thought that we were enemies, you and I," said he. Simply this the goosey-gander seemed to accept forgotten entirely. He only remembered that the boy had simply just saved his life.

"I suppose I really ought to go abode to father and mother," said the boy. "Oh, I'll get you lot back to them some time in the fall," assured the goosey-gander. "I shall not get out you until I can set y'all down on your own doorstep."

The male child thought information technology would be simply as well for him not to be seen past his parents yet a while. He was not disinclined to favour the proposition, and was just on the betoken of saying that he agreed to it – when they heard a loud rumbling from backside. The wild geese had just come up up from the lake – all at one time – and stood shaking the water from their backs. After that, they arranged themselves in a long row with the leader-goose in the middle – and came toward them.

Equally the white goosey-gander sized upwards the wild geese, he felt ill at ease. He had expected that they should be more than like tame geese, and that he should feel a closer kinship with them. They were much smaller than he, and none of them was white. All were gray with a sprinkling of brown. He was nearly afraid of their optics, which were yellow and shone every bit if a fire had been kindled back of them. The goosey-gander had always been taught that it was almost fitting to move slowly and with a rolling motility, but these creatures did not walk – they nigh ran. He grew most alarmed, however, when he looked at their anxiety. They were large, with torn and ragged-looking soles. It was apparent that the wild geese never questioned what they tramped upon. They took no by-paths. They were very neat and well cared for in other respects, merely one could tell by their feet that they were poor wilderness-folk.

The goosey-gander simply had fourth dimension to whisper to the boy, "Speak up quickly for yourself, only don't tell them who y'all are!" – before the geese were upon them.

When the wild geese had stopped in front of them, they courtsied with their necks many times, and the goosey-gander did likewise many more than times. Every bit presently equally the ceremonies were over, the leader-goose said, "Now I presume we shall hear what kind of creatures you are."

"In that location isn't much to tell nearly me," said the goosey-gander. "I was born in Skanör last bound. In the fall I was sold to Holger Nilsson of West Vemmenhög, and in that location I have lived always since." "You don't seem to have whatsoever pedigree to avowal of," said the leader-goose. "What is it, then, that makes you so high-minded that you lot wish to associate with wild geese?" "It may be because I want to show yous wild geese that nosotros tame ones may also be adept for something," said the goosey-gander. "Yes, it would be well if you could testify us that," challenged the leader-goose. "We have already observed how much y'all know about flying; merely you lot are more skilled, peradventure, at other sports. Possibly you lot are stiff in a swimming lucifer?" "No, I can't avowal that I am," said the goosey-gander. It seemed to him as if the leader-goose had already fabricated upward her mind to transport him home, so he didn't much care how he answered. "I never swam whatsoever farther than across a marl-ditch," he retorted. "And then I presume you're a crack sprinter," said the goose. "I accept never seen a tame goose run, nor have I e'er done so myself," said the goosey-gander; and he made things appear much worse than they really were.

The big white one was sure now that the leader-goose would say that nether no circumstances could they take him along. He was very much astonished when she said: "You answer questions courageously; and he who has courage can become a good travelling companion, fifty-fifty if he is ignorant in the start. What do you say to stopping with u.s.a. a couple of days, until we can see what you are skillful for?" "That suits me!" said the goosey-gander – and he was thoroughly happy.

Thereupon the leader-goose pointed with her bill and said: "Only whom have yous in that location? I've never seen any 1 similar him before." "That's my comrade," said the goosey-gander. "He'due south been a goose-tender all his life. He'll be useful, all right, to take with united states on the trip." "Yes, he may be all correct for a tame goose," retorted the wild one. "What exercise you telephone call him?" "He has several names," said the goosey-gander – hesitantly, not knowing what he should hit upon in a hurry, for he didn't desire to reveal the fact that the boy had a human name. "Oh! his proper noun is Thumbietot," he said at last. "Does he vest to the elf family?" asked the leader-goose. "At what hour exercise y'all wild geese usually retire?" said the goosey-gander quickly – trying to evade that last question. "My eyes close of their own accord about this time."

One could easily see that the goose who talked with the gander was very former. Her entire plumage outfit was ice-grayness, with no night streaks. The caput was larger than that of the others; the legs were coarser, and the feet were more worn. The feathers were stiff; the shoulders knotty; the neck thin. All this was due to historic period. Information technology was only upon the optics that fourth dimension had had no effect. They shone brighter – as if they were younger than those of the others.

She turned very haughtily toward the goosey-gander. "Sympathise, Mr. Tame-goose, that I am Akka from Kebnekaise! And that the goose who flies nearest me – to the right – is Iksi from Vassijaure, and the one to the left, is Kaksi from Nuolja! Understand, also, that the second correct-hand goose is Kolmi from Sarjektjakko, and the 2nd, left, is Neljä from Svappavaara; and behind them fly Viisi from Oviksfjällen and Kuusi from Sjangeli! And know that these, as well every bit the half dozen goslings, who fly terminal – 3 to the right, and three to the left – are all loftier mountain geese of the finest breed! Yous must non have us for land-lubbers who strike up a take a chance acquaintance with any and every one! And you must not think that we permit any one to share our quarters that will non tell us who his ancestors were."

While Akka, the leader-goose, was talking in this strain, the male child stepped briskly forward. It distressed him that the goosey-gander, who had spoken upward so glibly for himself, should give such evasive answers when information technology concerned him. "I don't care to make a hush-hush of who I am," said he. "My proper noun is Nils Holgersson. I'grand a farmer's son, and, until to-day, I was a man; but this morning – " He got no further. As before long equally he had said that he was homo the leader-goose staggered iii steps backward, and the remainder of them fifty-fifty farther back. All craned their necks and hissed angrily at him.

"I accept suspected this ever since I first saw you here on these shores," said Akka; "and now you can clear out of here at once. We tolerate no homo beings amidst united states of america."

"It isn't possible," said the goosey-gander, meditatively, "that yous wild geese can be afraid of whatsoever 1 who is so tiny! By to-morrow, of grade, he'll plough back home. Yous tin can surely allow him stay with us overnight. None of usa tin afford to let such a poor little animal wander off by himself in the night – among weasels and foxes!"

The wild goose came nearer. But one could see that it was hard for her to master her fearfulness. "I have been taught to fear everything in human shape – be it big or piddling," said she. "Merely if you volition answer for this i, and swear that he will not impairment us, he may stay with u.s. to-nighttime. But I don't believe our night quarters are suitable for either him or you, for nosotros intend to roost on the broken water ice out here."

She thought, of form, that the goosey-gander would be hundred-to-one when he heard this, but he never let on. "She is pretty wise who knows how to choose such a safe bed," said he.

"You will be answerable for his return to his ain to-morrow."

"And so I, too, will have to leave yous," said the goosey-gander. "I accept sworn that I would not abdicate him."

"You are free to fly whither you will," said the leader-goose.

With this, she raised her wings and flew out over the ice, and, one after another, the wild geese followed her.

The boy was very said to think that his trip to Lapland would not come off, and, in the bargain, he was afraid of the chilly nighttime quarter. "It volition be worse and worse," said he. "In the beginning place, we'll freeze to death on the water ice."

But the gander was in adept humour. "There's no danger," said he. "Simply make haste, I beg of you lot, and gather up equally much grass and litter every bit you can well deport."

When the boy had an armful of dried grass, the goosey-gander grabbed him by the shirt-band, lifted him, and flew out upon the ice, where the wild geese were already fast asleep with their bills tucked under their wings.

"Now spread out the grass on the ice and so there will be something to stand on, to keep me from freezing fast. You assistance me and I'll help you lot," said the goosey-gander.

This the boy did. And when he had finished, the goosey-gander again picked him upwards by the shirt-band, and tucked him under his wing. "I think you lot'll lie snug and warm in that location," said the goosey-gander every bit he covered him with his wing.

The boy was so imbedded in down that he couldn't answer, and he was prissy and comfy. Oh, simply he was tired! And in less than 2 winks he was fast asleep.


It is a fact that water ice is ever treacherous and not to be trusted. In the middle of the nighttime the loosened ice-block on Vomb Lake moved about, till ane corner of it touched the shore. Now it happened that Mr. Smirre Fox, who lived at this time in Övid Cloister-Park – on the due east side of the lake – caught a glimpse of that i corner while out on his night hunt. Smirre had seen the wild geese early in the evening, and hadn't even dared to promise that he might get at one of them, but now he walked straight out on the water ice.

When Smirre was very near to the geese, his claws scraped the ice, and the geese awoke, flapped their wings, and prepared for flight. But Smirre was too quick for them. He darted forwards as though he'd been shot; grabbed a goose by the fly and ran toward land once more.

But this night the wild geese were not alone on the ice, for they had a man existence among them – little as he was. The male child had awakened when the goosey-gander spread his wings. He had tumbled down on the ice and was sitting there, dazed. He hadn't grasped the whys and wherefores of all this confusion, until he defenseless sight of a picayune long-legged dog who ran over the ice with a goose in his mouth.

In a infinitesimal the boy was afterwards that canis familiaris, to take the goose away from him. He must have heard the goosey-gander call to him: "Accept a intendance, Thumbietot! Take a intendance!" But the boy thought that such a little runt of a dog was nothing to be afraid of, so he rushed ahead.

The wild goose that Smirre Fox was tugging along heard the clatter as the boy's wooden shoes vanquish confronting the ice, and she could hardly believe her ears. "Does that infant think he tin can accept me away from the fox?" she wondered. And in spite of her misery, she began to cackle right merrily, deep downward in her windpipe. It was near as if she had laughed.

"The starting time thing he knows, he'll fall through a crevice in the ice," thought she.

Just dark every bit the nighttime was, the boy saw distinctly all the cracks and holes at that place were, and took daring leaps over them. This was because he had the elf's skillful eyesight now, and could see in the dark. He saw both lake and shore only every bit conspicuously as if it had been daylight.

Smirre Fox left the water ice where it touched the shore. And only as he was working his manner up to the land-border, the boy shouted to him: "Drop that goose, you sneak!" Smirre didn't know who was calling to him, and wasted no time in looking around, but increased his pace.

The flim-flam made direct for the forest and the boy followed him, with never a idea of the take a chance he was running. On the contrary, he was thinking all the while about the contemptuous way in which he had been received by the wild geese that evening; and he made upwardly his mind to let them see that a homo was something higher than all else created.

He shouted, again and once again to that domestic dog, to make him drib his game. "What kind of a domestic dog are y'all, who tin can steal a whole goose and non feel ashamed of yourself? Drib her at once! or you'll come across what a beating you'll become. Driblet her, I say, or I'll tell your primary how you behave!"

When Smirre Fob saw that he had been mistaken for a scary dog, he was and then amused that he came well-nigh dropping the goose. Smirre was a great plunderer who wasn't satisfied with hunting only rats and pigeons in the fields, just he as well ventured into the farmyards to steal chickens and geese. He knew that he was feared throughout the district; and anything and then idiotic as this he had non heard since he was a baby.

The boy ran so fast that the thick beech-trees appeared to be running past him – backward, and he gained on Smirre. Finally, he was then close to him that he got a concur on his tail. "Now I'll take the goose from yous anyway," cried he, holding on as tight equally always he could, simply he hadn't strength plenty to stop Smirre. The play tricks dragged him along until the dry foliage whirled around him.

Merely now it began to dawn on Smirre how harmless was the creature that pursued him. He stopped curt, put the goose on the ground, and held her down with his forepaws, and then she couldn't wing away. He was just about to bite off her cervix – but he couldn't resist the desire to tease the boy a little. "Hurry off and mutter to the main, for now I'm going to bite the goose to death!" said he.

Certainly the i who was surprised when he saw what a pointed nose, and heard what a hoarse and angry vocalization that dog which he was pursuing had, was – the male child! But now he was and so provoked because the fox had made fun of him that he never idea of beingness frightened. He took a firmer hold on the tail, braced himself against a beech trunk; and only as the fox opened his jaws over the goose's pharynx, he pulled every bit hard equally he could. Smirre was and then astonished that he let himself be pulled backward a couple of steps – and the wild goose got away. She fluttered upward, feebly and heavily. One fly was so badly wounded that she could barely apply it. Besides, she could not see in the dark darkness of the forest, merely was equally helpless as the blind. Therefore she could in no way aid the boy. She groped her manner through the branches and flew down to the lake again.

Then Smirre made a dash for the boy. "If I don't get the one, I shall certainly have the other," said he; and you could tell past his voice how mad he was. "Oh, don't you believe it!" said the boy, who was in the all-time of spirits considering he had saved the goose. He held himself fast by the fox-tail, and swung with information technology to ane side when the fob tried to catch him.

There was such a trip the light fantastic in that woods that the dry beech-leaves fairly flew! Smirre swung circular and round, only the tail swung too; while the boy kept a tight grip on it, so the fox couldn't grab him.

The male child was and then gay later on his success that, in the beginning, he only laughed and fabricated fun of the fox. But Smirre was persevering – equally former hunters generally are – and the boy began to fear that he would be captured in the end.

And then he caught sight of a petty, immature beech-tree that had shot up every bit slender as a rod, that information technology might presently reach the free air above the awning of branches which the erstwhile beeches spread over information technology.

Quick as a wink, he let get of the play tricks-tail and climbed the beech tree. Smirre Fox was so excited that he continued to dance effectually later on his tail a long time.

"Don't bother with the dance whatever longer!" said the boy.

But Smirre couldn't endure the humiliation of his failure to get the better of such a little tot, so he laid down nether the tree, that he might go along a shut watch on him.

The male child didn't have any besides good a fourth dimension of it where he sat, astride a delicate branch. The young beech did not, equally nonetheless, reach the loftier branch-canopy, so the boy couldn't get over to another tree, and he didn't dare to come up downwards. He was so common cold and numb that he nearly lost his hold around the branch; and he was dreadfully sleepy; merely he didn't dare fall asleep for fear of tumbling down.

My! but it was dismal to sit in that way the whole nighttime through, out in the woods! He had never earlier understood the existent meaning of "nighttime." It was just as if the whole world had become petrified, and never could come to life over again.

And so it commenced to dawn. The boy was glad that everything began to look like itself once more; although the chill was even sharper than information technology had been during the night.

When the sun finally came upwards, information technology wasn't yellowish merely red. The boy thought it looked as if information technology was angry and he wondered what it was angry well-nigh. Perhaps it was because the night had made information technology so cold and gloomy on earth while the sunday was away.

The sunbeams came downwards in great clusters, to see what the night had been up to. Information technology could exist seen how all things blushed – as if they all had guilty consciences. The clouds in the skies; the satiny beech-limbs; the little intertwined branches of the forest-canopy; the hoar-frost that covered the brushwood – everything grew flushed and red. More and more sunbeams came bursting through infinite, and shortly the night's terrors were driven abroad, and such a marvellous lot of living things came forward. The black woodpecker, with the cherry-red neck, began to hammer with its bill on the branch. The squirrel glided from his nest with a nut, sabbatum down on a branch and began to trounce it. The starling came flying with a worm, and the bulfinch sang in the tree-elevation.

Then the boy understood that the sunday had said to all these tiny creatures: "Wake up now, and come out of your nests! I'g here! At present you needn't be afraid of anything."

The wild-goose phone call was heard from the lake, equally the geese were preparing for flight; and before long all the fourteen geese came flight through the forest. The boy tried to call to them, but they flew so high that his phonation couldn't accomplish them. They probably believed the trick had eaten him up; and they didn't trouble themselves to look for him.

The boy came near crying with chagrin; but the sun stood up in that location – orange-coloured and happy – and put backbone into the whole world. "It isn't worth while, Nils Holgersson, for you to be troubled virtually annihilation, every bit long equally I'm hither," said the sun.


Mon, March twenty-first.

EVERYTHING remained unchanged in the forest nigh as long equally it takes a goose to eat her breakfast. Only just equally the morning was verging on morn, a goose came flight, all past herself, under the thick tree-canopy. She groped her manner hesitatingly betwixt stems and branches, and flew very slowly. As soon as Smirre Play a joke on saw her, he left his Place nether the beech tree, and sneaked up toward her. The wild goose didn't avoid the fob, but flew quite close to him. Smirre made a high jump for her just missed her; and the goose went on her way, down to the lake.

It was non long before another goose came flying She took the aforementioned route every bit the starting time one; and flew still lower and slower. She, too, flew shut to Smirre Fox, and he made such a loftier spring for her, that his ears brushed her feet. Only she, too, got away from him unhurt, and went her mode toward the lake, silent as a shadow.

A piddling while passed and so at that place came another wild goose. She flew still slower and lower; and it seemed even more hard for her to find her way between the beech-branches. Smirre made a powerful jump! He was inside a hair's breadth of catching her; but that goose also managed to salve herself.

Just afterwards she had disappeared, came a 4th. She flew then slowly, so badly, that Smirre Play a joke on thought he could catch her without much effort, merely now he was agape of failure and decided to let her fly by, unmolested. She took the same direction the others had taken; and just as she was right above Smirre, she sank down so far that he was tempted to jump for her. He jumped so high that he touched her with his tail. Merely she flung herself quickly to one side, and saved her life.

Earlier Smirre was through panting, 3 more geese came flying in a row. They flew merely like the rest, and Smirre fabricated loftier springs for all three, but he did not succeed in catching one of them.

After that came five more geese; but these flew better than the others. And although it appeared equally if they wanted to coax Smirre to jump, he withstood the temptation. Later quite a long time came one lonely goose. It was the thirteenth. This ane was and so old that she was greyness all over, without a dark speck anywhere on her body. Plain, she could use merely one fly, for she flew so wretchedly and crookedly that she almost touched the ground. Smirre non only made a loftier leap for her, but he too pursued her, running and jumping all the way down to the lake. Simply not even this time did he get anything for his trouble.

When the fourteenth goose came along, it looked very pretty because information technology was white. And as the great wings moved, it glistened like a calorie-free in the dark forest. When Smirre Fox saw this one, he mustered all his strength and jumped halfway up to the tree-canopy. But the white one flew by unhurt like the remainder.

Now it was repose for a moment under the beeches. It looked as if the whole wild-goose flock had flown past.

Of a sudden Smirre remembered his prisoner and raised his eyes toward the young beech-tree. And just equally he might accept expected – the boy had disappeared.

Just Smirre didn't have much fourth dimension to think about him; for now the first goose came back over again from the lake and flew slowly under the canopy. In spite of all his bad luck, Smirre was glad that she had come back, and darted after her with high leaps. But he had been in also much of a bustle, and hadn't taken time to calculate the distance, so he landed at the side of the goose. Then there came nevertheless another goose; then a 3rd; a fourth; a 5th; and then on, until the wedge airtight in with the onetime water ice-gray 1, and the big white one. They all flew depression and slow. Just equally they circled in the vicinity of Smirre Fox, they sank downwards – kind of inviting-like – for him to take them. Smirre ran afterward them and made leaps a couple of metres loftier, but he couldn't manage to go agree of a single one of them.

It was the most atrocious day that Smirre Fox had ever experienced. The wild geese kept on travelling over his head. They came and went – came and went. Great first-class geese, who had eaten themselves fatty on the German heaths and grain fields, circled all day through the forest, and then close to him that he touched them many times; yet he was not allowed to appease his hunger with a unmarried i.

The winter was hardly gone and Smirre recalled nights and days when he had been forced to tramp effectually in idleness, with not and then much as a hare to chase; when the rats hid themselves under the frozen earth; and when all the chickens were shut upwardly. But all the wintertime's hunger had non been every bit hard to endure equally this solar day'due south miscalculations.

Smirre was no young flim-flam. He had had the dogs after him many a time, and had heard the bullets whiz around his ears. He had lain in hiding, downward in the lair, while the dachshunds crept into the crevices and all simply found him. But all the ache that Smirre Pull a fast one on had been forced to suffer under that hot chase was every bit zippo in comparing with what he suffered every time that he missed i of the wild geese.

In the morning, when the chase began, Smirre Fox looked then stunning that the geese were amazed when they saw him. Smirre loved display. His coat was a vivid cherry-red; his chest white; his nose blackness; and his tail was as bushy equally a plume. But when the even of this twenty-four hour period was come up, Smirre'south coat hung in loose folds. He was bathed in sweat; his eyes were without lustre; his natural language hung far out from his gaping jaws; and froth oozed from his mouth.

Even in the afternoon Smirre was already so exhausted that he grew delirious. He saw zippo before his eyes simply flying geese. He made leaps for sun-spots which he saw on the ground; and for a poor little butterfly that had come up out of its chrysalis too soon.

The wild geese flew and flew, unceasingly. All twenty-four hour period long they continued to torment Smirre. They were not moved to pity because Smirre was spent, fevered, and out of his caput. They continued without a let-up, although they understood that he inappreciably saw them, and that he jumped after their shadows.

When Smirre Fob finally sank downward on a pile of dry leaves, weak and powerless and about ready to give up the ghost, they stopped teasing him.

"Now y'all know, Mr. Trick, what happens to the one who dares to come almost Akka of Kebnekaise!" they shouted in his ear; and with that they left him in peace.


Editor: Mary Mark Ockerbloom

This chapter has been put on-line as office of the BUILD-A-Book Initiative at the
Celebration of Women Writers.
Initial text entry and proof-reading of this chapter were the piece of work of volunteers
Rebekah Neely and Ann Youmans.

Editor: Mary Mark Ockerbloom
